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Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Request Support

Request your free offer

Yes, 2 hours free on-site service! No obligation! *

We know how frustrating computer problems can be for a business like yours and we also understand how difficult it can sometimes be to find dependable computer experts that are easy to reach, and able to deliver fast, friendly, and efficient IT Support.

That is why we’d like to offer you an introductory offer of 2 Hours of free IT Computer Service/Support no strings attached. We will send out a technician to carry out up to 2 Hours of IT Computer Service/Support on your site.

In order for your business of 5 or more staff to secure your free 2 hours of computer service/support simply enter your details below. Once we receive your details we will give you a call to discuss your immediate IT problems

* Free offer is for Sydney Metropolian customers only.

* Free on-site services is by our availabilility only. This offer doesn't apply to customers  who need the immediate support.

* Free offer is applied to the new customers with valid ABN NO, and 5 or more staff.

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What do our customers say

"Aurumtek provides us with prompt & friendly support along with excellent reporting on all aspects of our IT infrastructure. Any issues we have are always promptly dealt with.”  

-I Polovieo,

"The professionals at Aurumtek Provide excellent service on the full range of IT issues. They are reliable, knowledgeable and operate to the highest standards. I highly recommned them!"

K Hobgood-Brown, Claypartners International